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Using a Lawyer Means Better Insurance Settlements

There have been reports in the media of insurance companies contacting accident victims immediately after an accident. The companies tell victims they want to help and ask them to quickly settle their claims. If you’re in an accident and this happens to you, ask yourself, who is the insurance company really trying to help?

In one case, an insurance adjuster contacted a 70-year-old woman’s family just hours after she was killed in a car accident. He tried to get a settlement before the family could even gather their thoughts. Fortunately, the adjuster left after family members told him they had an attorney. In another case, a Florida woman thought she could deal directly with the adjuster who called right after her accident. But the adjuster ended up in court with the woman, accused of improperly obtaining information from her — information the insurance company tried to use to lower the amount it had to pay her.

Why do some insurance companies go to such lengths to persuade accident victims not to use a lawyer? Because they can pay the accident victim less money if he or she is not represented by a lawyer.

How a Lawyer Can Help

Lawyers help clients get all the compensation they are entitled to receive after an accident. Most accident victims don’t know all their legal rights or all they are entitled to obtain under an insurance policy. Because of this, getting a lawyer’s advice before settling an accident claim is critical.

Insurance companies that try to disrupt this process usually suggest a lawyer won’t help the accident victim get more money. But the insurance industry’s own research proves the opposite. For car accidents, insurance industry research shows that the average accident victim receives more money when represented by a lawyer, even after deducting all costs.

If you are in an accident, seek legal help. A Cherry Hill personal injury lawyer can advise you about your rights and the insurance benefits you may be entitled to receive. Insurance industry research and common sense show that it’s vital to consult a lawyer before settling an accident claim. Contact Aronberg, Kouser, Snyder & Lindemann, P.A. to learn about your legal options and rights. We offer free consultations, call (856) 429-1700 or contact us online today.