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Cherry Hill Dog Bite Attorney

According to recent statistics, roughly 30% of New Jersey households have a dog. Dogs are typically loving, playful, and calming for their owners. Some research even suggests that people who own dogs have lower blood pressure and live longer than those who do not have dogs. Although dogs are considered by many to be man’s best friend, there are instances when dogs can be very dangerous. Dog bites can leave victims with severe injuries, including permanent damage and disfigurement. If you or a loved one has been injured by a dog bite, contact the office of Aronberg, Kouser, Snyder & Lindemann, P.A., and let us help evaluate your case. Call us today at (856) 429-1700 to learn more.

Why Hire Our Firm?

Since many people are unsure of the specific rules and laws regarding dog bites, you need an experienced Cherry Hill personal injury attorney who knows how to navigate these complex issues.

  • The attorneys at Aronberg, Kouser, Snyder & Lindemann, P.A. have many years of experience helping injury victims, and that includes victims of dog bites.
  • Our team knows the law when it comes to Cherry Hill dog bite cases, and we can help get you compensated for your injuries.
  • You will get the personal attention you deserve, and we will fight aggressively to make sure you get every dollar to which you are legally entitled.

Give us a call today at (856) 429-1700 to put us to work for you.

Common Injuries From Dog Bites

A dog bite can sometimes result in serious injuries, and the damage can be much more than a simple laceration. If you have been bitten by a dog, some common injuries that you might encounter include the following:

  • Lacerations
  • Puncture wounds
  • Nerve damage
  • Serious infection
  • Torn ligament or tendon
  • And more

When a dog bites you, it is often more than just a single bite. In many instances, a single bite quickly turns into multiple bites. This type of situation can leave the victim with permanent damage. It is not uncommon for dog bite victims to be left with permanent nerve damage, partial paralysis, or torn ligaments and tendons that require multiple surgeries to repair. No amount of money can truly repay you when you have sustained this type of injury, but our experienced attorneys can help you understand the law and put a proper valuation on your case.

New Jersey Dog Bite Laws

You may have heard someone mention the “one free bite” rule before. Some states essentially allow dogs one free bite, and the owner is not held responsible unless the dog has bitten someone in the past. However, that is NOT the rule in New Jersey. In fact, New Jersey takes dog bites very seriously, and the state has some of the strictest dog bite laws in the country.

New Jersey law holds dog owners strictly liable for any damage caused by the dog biting someone. This rule is the same whether the bite occurs on public or private property, as long as the victim had a right to be on the property. Similarly, the owner is responsible “regardless of the former viciousness of such dog or the owner’s knowledge of such viciousness” (N.J. Stat. § 4:19-16). So, the owner can be held liable even though the dog may have never bitten anyone in the past and even though the owner had no knowledge that the dog might bite someone.

One exception to the liability rule as laid out in the statute mentioned above is when the victim did not have permission to be on the property. So, dog owners are not liable to trespassers for dog bites. Imagine that a trespasser climbed your fence and entered your yard without permission. If your dog bites that trespasser while they are in your yard without permission, you will likely not be held liable for damages caused by the dog bite. There is also another exception to the strict liability rule in cases where the victim provoked the dog prior to the bite.

Other Consequences Of Dog Bites

Since dogs can carry serious infections, like rabies, there are other precautions that must be taken after a dog bites someone. The state of New Jersey requires that the dog be placed into a 10-day quarantine after the bite, and the owner must bear the expense of the quarantine. After the 10-day period, the dog will be evaluated to determine whether it is healthy.

In addition to the quarantine, New Jersey also has laws in place that are meant to protect the public from dangerous or vicious dogs. If the court finds that a dog is vicious, there are two options that can occur. First, the court may require the owner to comply with certain regulations meant to keep the public safe. This could include requiring a certain type of fencing as well as requiring signage on the property warning others of the dog. In some cases, the court may order the dog to be euthanized (N.J. Stat. § 4:19-22). If the dog is to be euthanized, the owner would be responsible for this expense.

Protecting Your Rights After A Dog Bite

If you are the victim of a dog bite, there are a few things you need to do to make sure your legal rights are protected. Make sure you preserve as much evidence as possible. Obtain the dog owner’s information, including at least their name and telephone number. If there were any witnesses to the event, get their contact information as well. Get medical treatment, and make sure that all your injuries are properly documented. Even bruises and other injuries that might seem minor at the time need to be properly documented by your medical professional.

Talk to a Cherry Hill dog bite attorney who can help you understand your rights and help you file a claim if necessary. Finally, do not sign anything presented to you by the dog owner, property owner, or insurance company without consulting an attorney.

Talk To A Cherry Hill Dog Bite Attorney Now

If you or a loved one have experienced a dog bite that resulted in injuries, contact the office of Aronberg, Kouser, Snyder & Lindemann, P.A. today. Our experienced team focuses on helping injury victims recover the compensation they deserve, and we can help you through this situation as well. Dog bites can be painful and have lasting effects, so let us focus on the legalities while you focus on recovering. Contact us today online or call (856) 429-1700 to put our experience in your corner!